C4 Awards

Daniel S. Anderson MD
The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) 2022 Award for National Leadership in Public Health.

Margaret Hitchcock, PhD
Top Reviewer Award, American Gastroenterology Association Journals

Michael Potter, MD
California Academy of Family Physicians Excellence in Research Award
- Folasade (Fola) P. May, MD, PhD, MPhil: National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Grand Prize; 2021 80% in Every Community National Achievement Awards
- Folasade (Fola) P. May, MD, PhD, MPhil: American College of Gastroenterology Service Award for Colorectal Cancer Outreach Prevention and Year-round Excellence
- Jennie Cook, presented posthumously to former C4 Board member: For a lifetime of Cancer Control Advocacy Award: “The Jenny Cook Memorial Achievement in Colorectal Cancer Advocacy Award”, October 14, 2021
- Folasade (Fola) P. May, MD, PhD, MPhil: American College of Gastroenterology Service Award for Colorectal Cancer Outreach Prevention and Year-round Excellence
- Margaret Hitchcock, PhD; Stony Anderson, MD, FACP, Autumn Ogden-Smith: C4 FightCRC Catalyst Award – Support of C4 for Advocacy Initiatives (2020-2022)
- Theodore R. Levin, MD: American Cancer Society/NCCRT 80% by 2018 award to TPMG, Inc
- Daniel Anderson, MD, FACP: American Cancer Society – St George Award 2017; for his work to increase CRC screening in all Californians with the California Colorectal Cancer Coalition (C4)
- Daniel Anderson, MD, FACP: CMA Foundation – Adarsh S. Mahal MD Access to Health Care and Disparities Award
- James Allison, MD: Achievement Award, American Cancer Society
- 80% by 2018 California Achievement Awards – Awarded by the American Cancer Society
- Michael Potter, MD: created and launched an intervention that focuses on the time of annual flu shots as an opportunity to provide colorectal cancer screening using FOBT/FIT tests
- Daniel Anderson, MD, FACP: for showing health professionals how to save lives from colorectal cancer through his efforts as the Chair of the California Dialogue on Cancer and as an expert promoting various screening initiatives
- Michael Potter, MD: created and launched an intervention that focuses on the time of annual flu shots as an opportunity to provide colorectal cancer screening using FOBT/FIT tests
- Daniel Anderson, MD, FACP: San Diego County Medical Society Presidential Recognition Award for providing specialty care to the uninsured in San Diego County
- C4 Board of Directors: Sapphire Award – Innovative Leadership, Colon Cancer Alliance, Washington, DC
- Daniel Anderson, MD, FACP: Public Health Champion Theme Award by the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency for his work providing colonoscopies for high-risk uninsured