C4 co-hosted a virtual webinar with partnering organizations: CDPH/California Dialogue on Cancer (CDOC) and the American Cancer Society (ACS) that was moderated and sponsored by Dr. Mike Potter of UCSF. (slightly edited text)
“Clinical Impacts of Recent State and National Policies Affecting Both the Provision and Reporting of Care for Patients at Risk for CRC”
February 1, 2023 (Wednesday) | 10 am – 12 pm
Virtual Webinar
Target Audience: Providers, Insurers, Quality Improvement officers/staff, Federally Qualified Health Centers & Community Health Centers – all interested staff
Overarching Webinar Goals:
- Create awareness of newly updated CRC screening and reporting guidelines.
- Provide rationale and state-level programmatic approaches to new screening and reporting mandates, including discussion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as it relates to California’s tri-department (CoveredCA, CalPERS, and DHCS) CRC screening initiatives.
- Share best practices at the clinical practice and community clinic level to improve screening that can then be reflected in reported data.
CME credit is only available for those who attended the webinar but all are welcome to view the links listed under CME Information.

CME Information
- View the agenda on Google Drive
- Post-test/general evaluation
- CME slide deck (14.7 MB, for download)
- Video Recording on Google Suite
- Video on private YouTube channel (C4, unlisted but viewable with the link)