UCSD: Take Charge of Your Health – Navigating the Cancer Screening Roadmap

“Join us to learn about cancer development, common types in women and the elderly, key risk factors, prevention tools, and community resources available.” Plans for the day include the opportunity […]
UCSF Gastroenterology – CRC Awareness Month Town Hall

UCSF Division of Gastroenterology – Lynch Syndrome Center invites you to participate in a town hall focusing on: Colon cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, yet it remains […]
Los Angeles Fires – Ways to Help
For those wishing to help friends, family, colleagues, or anyone else currently impacted by the Los Angeles fires, we are posting the link to the KQED website that includes information […]
Screen Your Gut – Save Your Butt 5K

Join us in San Diego to raise awareness about colorectal cancer and to promote the prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer. #C4Screen2PreventCRC